
Daily WordPress News

Try The Divi 5 Alpha Demo Today!

I am back with another Divi 5 update, and today, I am happy to announce that a Divi 5 demo website is available. Once we wrap up a few more features and address any bugs you find, we will release the Public Alpha, which you can download and test on your websites. In the meantime, we will update the demo every two weeks, and you can follow along.

Try The Divi 5 Demo

We also set up a new landing page for Divi 5, where you will find a link to the demo website and a list of all my monthly Divi 5 updates.

Get all the details in the video below.

Exploring The Divi 5 Demo

You will notice that the new version of the Visual Builder is nearly finished. A few missing features include Quick Actions, Find And Replace, Presets, WooCommerce Modules, and some Condition Options. If something is missing from the demo, it’s not because we removed it; it simply hasn’t been added yet.

This is a pre-alpha build. You will run across bugs and quirks in the interface, most of which are already on our radar. If you notice a bug, report it to our support team. We are still polishing things up, and releasing this demo allows us to get the Public Alpha in even better shape before it goes live.

What Has Changed In Divi 5?

Divi 5 looks a little different. Everything pretty much works the same way as Divi 4, but there are a few changes to note.

  1. Customizable Interface: Divi 5 supports multiple panels, combined panel windows, and custom docking configurations.
  2. Easier Responsive Editing: Instead of enabling responsive editing at the option level, responsive editing is controlled at the application level. Switch to any view, and the changes you make while in that view will automatically apply.
  3. New Interaction Modes: Interaction modes are also different in Divi 5. Now termed “interaction layers,” you can select which layers of elements appear on hover, including element options, parent element options, and element outlines. Clicking on any element will open its settings panel. You don’t need to double-click or click the gear icon. All actions are available via right-click, so if you want to hide everything to simplify the interface and prevent overlap, that’s a viable option.
  4. Intuitive Navigation: It’s also easier to navigate the page, thanks to the docked layers panel and breadcrumbs within the settings panel.
  5. Amazing Performance: Divi 5 is way faster, which you will notice immediately. Furthermore, it won’t get bogged down with large, complex designs. Try clicking around, duplicating things quickly, and going crazy with different settings, and you’ll see just how fast it is.
  6. A Simple, Streamlined Interface: The Divi 5 interface is more streamlined. It’s smaller and more efficient. It’s snappier and devoid of unneeded animations and effects. It lacks the antiquated save and cancel buttons in each panel. It also comes with a dark mode. You may feel at home in Divi 4’s larger, slower, more playful design, but once you get used to Divi 5, you will appreciate its new strengths.

Looking To The Future

The most critical changes in Divi 5 are the things you can’t see. A new foundation behind the scenes makes Divi more capable from a development perspective, empowering our team and the community to build new features that weren’t possible in Divi 4.

Once we release Divi 5, the real fun begins because we’ll sprint forward, creating all the features we know you want! Trust me; we know you need many essential features: loop builder, flexbox and CSS grids, improved accessibility, more modules, better menu, and header options; it’s all on our radar, and I can’t wait to get over this hurdle so that we can get work.

What We Accomplished This Month

Next up, let me give you our monthly progress report. We continued to polish the new interface and extended those improvements to other areas of Divi, giving the Theme Builder, Theme Options, Role Editor, and the Divi Library a fresh coat of paint. We continued our bug-fixing mission, fixing an additional 100+ bugs and widdling down the list to something manageable. We wrapped up Global Colors and most of Layers View and started working on some remaining front-end features, including Dynamic Assets and Static CSS File generation.

We also plugged in Divi Cloud to the new version of the Divi Library, bringing over our small Divi AI/Cloud team to implement those features and help get Divi 5 across the finish line a little faster.

Here are the latest Divi 5 changelog entries.

  • Added Preset Selection component in VB.
  • Added preset item class to module element in VB.
  • Fixed Incorrect Top Margin When Admin Bar Disabled.
  • Fixed a bug in CSS rendering, which caused CSS for breakpoints and states output to not be in proper sequence in some cases.
  • Updated the Upload font input style.
  • Fixed Error while saving/previewing any module in VB.
  • Fixed Error in Saving popup styles.
  • Fixed expanded icon picker modal dimensions and positioning.
  • Fixed layers view being rendered multiple times on sidebar left when right click > Go To Layer option are being clicked on multiple modules.
  • Set Add modal height to auto-fit to the available viewport height.
  • Fixed an issue where when you have no/zero global colors, the Add Color button is not visible, and if you have one global color, the color is hidden, and only the Add Color button is visible.
  • Fixed the issue where adding global color results in the module’s area interaction/mousetrap being disabled.
  • Fixed dynamic action label issue for the import and export tab into portability modal.
  • Fixed the settings panel issue in which the Enable redirect button is off, but the URL field is visible.
  • Fixed passed clear layer modal size to the wrapper component.
  • Cleaned up some behind-the-scenes code when saving a post/page
  • Fixed an issue where syncing of global colors was only done on draft and not on publish/preview.
  • Fixed an issue where deleted global colors were not removed from the layout when saving.
  • Fixed color picker glitching in black to white color range.
  • Fixed: Opening Modals Changes Module Settings Values.
  • Fixed an issue where if you have a lot of global colors, expanding the Saved/Recent colors tab and then opening the global colors tab results in the color swatches overlapping over the saved/global/recent tab titles.
  • Added tests for Clipboard copy/paste functionality to verify that global color attribute values are copied/pasted.
  • Added support for showPlaceholderOnEmpty attribute in the TextArea field component.
  • Added function to hide settings in Blog Module when Content Length is set to ‘Show Content’.
  • Fixed when the bug where the user deletes a column from the layers view, it gets deleted.
  • Fixed the inline editor toolbar’s incorrect and unpredictable position when users select some texts in the builder.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Show Pagination” option in the D5 Blog Module was not hiding pagination in the front end when disabled.
  • Fixed the issue where disabling the ‘Show Excerpt’ option in the D5 Blog Module did not hide the excerpt in the Visual Builder preview.
  • Fixed responsive content breaking due to @wordpress/hooks moved to external dependencies by registering it as a dependency for the multi-view script in the FE.
  • Fixed incorrect update sequence on rich text field.
  • Fixes unwanted text underline added to the button due to incorrect divi-style static style rendering order.
  • Added missing page shortcuts (save the page, save page as a draft, exit visual builder, open portability, responsive zoom in/out, switch to wireframe mode)
  • Fixed incorrect position of portability and save to library modal when opened for the first time.
  • Fixed the issue where resetting the hover styles reset the desktop styles instead.
  • Fixed the issue where the button gradient stops in the desktop state and would change the value to the one used by the hover gradient stop.
  • Fixed the hiding of the visible part of the element in its original position while dragging.
  • Fixed the “Disable on” reset icon hiding/showing based on visible checks/unchecks.
  • Fixed Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working Correctly.
  • Fixed the Reset button not working with checkboxes.
  • Add missing columns functionality in Specialty Sections.
  • Added builder settings option to disable admin bar
  • Added capability to scroll to the dropped module in VB after drag & drop it in Layers View.
  • Added capability to scroll to the dropped module in VB after drag & drop it in Layers View.
  • A clear layout button was added to the page bar.
  • Added color mode toggle on page bar.
  • Added functionality ensures the layer group is expanded only when the dragged module is the correct module descendant.
  • Added functionality to expand layer when a user drags a module and hovers over layer group after 200ms.
  • Added functionality to highlight the actual module in the layout when it’s hovered in the Layers View modal.
  • Added mechanism for declaring module’s `default` and `defaultPrintedStyle` attributes on its own JSON file.
  • Added mechanism for extracting attributes that generate HTML, style, and script-data
  • Added page bar button to exit the visual builder
  • A page bar button was added to preview the current state of the builder on the front end.
  • Added prevention to ensure the only column in a row won’t be removed or moved to another row.
  • Added prototype of preset settings modal
  • Automatically dock layers view to sidebar left when being opened.
  • Ensure the “Add From Library” modal now appears centered within the page area with a maximum width and height equal to 32px from either edge of the frame on all four sides.
  • Fixed a bug in the Blurb module for hover selectors, causing the styles not to be rendered in VB when the hover state was selected.
  • Fixed a bug in Divi 5 where sticky state styles were not rendered in VB when selecting sticky state in module settings.
  • Fixed a Deprecated message in PHP 8.3 related to dynamic properties.
  • Fixed a PHP deprecation notice in the Email Optin module that occurred in PHP 8.2+.
  • Fixed Admin Label not in sync inside the Layers View modal when changed from Module Settings or Wireframe Mode.
  • Fixed an issue where all posts were displayed in the Blog Module in the Visual Builder, even when certain categories were selected.
  • Fixed an issue where the Overlay Background color and the Overlay icon were not correctly rendered on the front end.
  • Fixed broken auto-scroll when dragging module close to top/bottom window viewport
  • Fixed button background color and button text color in the email account and spam protection fields in the settings panel in the Contact Form and Email Optin modules.
  • Fixed Default Icon Selection in Icon Module When It is Initially Loaded.
  • Fixed dynamic content display on settings for the title on child element for modules like an accordion.
  • Fixed error encountered during the execution of the yarn test-unit command.
  • Fixed incorrect testimonial module class name
  • Fixed Inline Editor Incorrect Fixed Position.
  • Fixed the issue where saving draft always publishes the page instead.
  • Fixed an issue where some models and select menus would flash from the initial incorrect position to the correct position.
  • Fixed an issue where Tabs were not showing on the Tabs module.
  • Fixed laggy drag and drop in the wireframe view
  • Fixed missing image animation classes in the Person Module.
  • Fixed missing tooltips from background tabs.
  • Fixed module options action not working when clicked; opens up module settings instead.
  • Fixed showing extra bottom space in Accordion module on hover state.
  • Fixed smooth scrolling when the layer is dragging from bottom to top.
  • Fixed text color in the content of the Richtext editor while in dark mode.
  • Fixed the blurb module’s icon hover issue.
  • Fixed the dropzone issue for the bottom area that caused us to drop the modules at the bottom of the layer modules list.
  • Fixed the issue of displaying module options even though the layer module was no longer hovered.
  • Fixed the issue showing low-quality gallery images in gallery module FE.
  • Fixed updating child column names in row setting and reordered columns when dragging.
  • Introduced enhancements to the Color Picker component, allowing for more extensibility and modularity.
  • Introducing a new Base Component for Transform Fields, which resolves duplicative transforms CSS.
  • Keeping the modal’s docked/undocked state so it will be reopened based on its last closed state.
  • Made module drag and drop can be initialized from any module surface area.
  • Remove the exit button from the admin bar
  • Removed draggable & resizable from the load from the library modal.
  • Removed module options from Column of Specialty Section in Layers View modal.
  • Removed redundant hover selector for login module following proper fix for the issue.
  • Removed unused keyboard shortcut.
  • Replaced Divi 4’s mode-based UX with interaction-layers UX.
  • Streamlined visual builder UI (field and modal components)
  • Temporarily hide the undo and redo buttons from the page bar until history is developed
  • Updated and refined the Global Colors feature, introducing a new Global Color ID format and better support for module attributes.
  • Used CSS variables to set Layers View colors, replaced unnecessary useSelect usage in Layer Drag Handle component to optimize the performance, and consistently used selectStore for naming the selector inside the useSelect usage of Layers View.

Stay Tuned For More Updates

That’s all for this month’s progress report. Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to follow us by email and subscribe to our YouTube channel to ensure you don’t miss a thing. Divi 5 is a vast project, but I’ll be back monthly to keep you informed on our progress.

The post Try The Divi 5 Alpha Demo Today! appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.
