
Daily WordPress News

Divi Meetup Community Update: April 2023

Happy Spring, Divi Fam!

(is it safe to say “Happy Spring?”)

My favorite thing to do this time of year is to be outdoors! And what better way to spend outdoors is to do it with your Divi Community? When the weather is nice, you can host a Divi meetup in an outdoor space! Pull up your laptops and screen-share or wheel out a TV or projector if the space allows. You can get creative and host a very successful Divi meetup while enjoying wonderful weather.

Read on to see how our current Divi meetups hosted their April events.

Check out our current stats and community updates below.

The Divi Nation Meetup Network by the Numbers

  • Total Members: 11,155
  • Total Groups: 36
  • Total Events Hosted: 1,814
  • Total RSVPs: 13,070
  • New Members (Last 90 Days): 614
  • New Groups (Last 60 Days): 1

If you have a passion to build your local Divi community, locate a group near you here or use the button below to apply to become a local organizer.


Let’s Welcome Our Newest Meetup Host & Group!

Please give a warm welcome to our newest group and new host to a not-so-new group!
We just launched Divi New Delhi and onboarded a new Divi host for Divi New York City and we’re thrilled to introduce you to them!

Divi New Delhi, India

Mayank Kumar of Divi New Delhi

Meet the host, Mayank Kumar:

Hi, [I’m] Mayank. I [have been] associated with Divi from the start of my WordPress journey. I am currently also involved [in] the hosting [of] WordPress meetups [in] Delhi NCR. From WordPress, I also get the confirmation [to be] the co-host of [the] WP NCR community as well. I am currently into Web Designing & SEO.

I always like to lead the community. WordPress and Divi both make my work so easy so in return, I am excited to work. And I thought I connect with people and I am better at organizing events. I am always involved in all the fests and events of my college as well.

We’re glad you’re taking charge to grow the Divi New Delhi community!

Go to Divi New Delhi

Divi New York City, New York, USA

Seema Kolhi of Divi NYC

Meet the host, Seema Kolhi:

I am a freelancer who started dabbling with WordPress a few years ago. Over the last three years, I have created websites for photographers and artists using the Divi theme.

I was invited by Divi New York to be part of the team. A couple of years back, when I attended my first in-person meetup, Patty’s warm hospitality made me feel right at home. Thanks to her, I had the pleasure of connecting with some incredible individuals at the event. Being a part of the team would give me a chance to do so for future members.

Seema is joining Mickey and Divi NYC will be back at it!

Go to Divi NYC

Updates from Existing Groups

Things are starting to shift with our Divi MeetupPro Network. We’re getting more inquiries to start new Divi meetups and I’m ecstatic. The pandemic put such a damper on our in-person meetups and but the tide is changing. Our goal is to get back to in-person meetups where we get to connect with like-minded Divi lovers and grow strong, local communities, and we want to add more Divi-loving meetup groups!

See some of our community updates straight from the organizers below. ⬇️

Divi Chicago, Illinois, USA

screenshot of several people attending the Divi Chicago virtual meetup

Divi Chicago April 2023

From the Hosts, Joan Margau & Scott Winterroth:

Attendees: 9

Whenever Divi users mastermind there’s always an exchange of information and surprises about Divi. Just when you thought you know how Divi works you find another new feature that you can use to enhance a website.

Divi Chicago seems to have found their niche!

Go to Divi Chicago

Divi Cairo, Egypt

screenshot of several people attending the Divi Egypt virtual meetup

Divi Egypt April 2023

From the Host, Mohammad Sobhy:

Attendees: 1

We are happy that we are back again… I started with new people wanting to learn and know about [the] Divi Theme. We talked how to install WordPress in [the] local environment, how to install [the] Divi theme, and how prepare the settings or configs for Divi. First time with saving it in Divi Cloud. Next [meetup] we will continue… I created new meetup in 19th May about how to integrate JS libraries with Divi. We will try fullpage JS next time [in] another library etc.

We’re so glad you hosted your April meetup.

Go to Divi Egypt

Divi Lagos, Nigeria

group of Nigerians sitting in a circle discussing Divi

Divi Lagos April 2023

group of Nigerians sitting in a circle discussing Divi

Divi Lagos April 2023

group of Nigerians sitting in a circle discussing Divi

Divi Lagos April 2023

From the Hosts, Ayodeji & Olusegun:

Attendees: 6

Divi Lagos’ April 2023 meetup was titled “Divi Designers Networking and Best Practice Sharing”. Everyone connected and met new faces introduced by others. Co-organizer Mr. Olutaller shared a brief experience he had using Divi and what makes Divi stand out; He talked about Divi Cloud storage and also reduced the time spent searching for the right theme to use. He talked about being able to add teams to your Elegant Themes account to help manage.
Thanks to our sponsor SkillAcade Connect for providing a place to help Divi Lagos host its meetup.

We’re so excited to see you meeting in-person!!!

Go to Divi Lagos, Nigeria

Divi Phoenix, Arizona, USA

group of four men standing at the Divi Phoenix meetup

Divi Phoenix throwback November 2022

From the Assistant Host, Raquel (me) :

Attendees: 5

In April Dennis schooled on how to package our Divi sites for our clients. We learned how to turn off Divi Modules and Options for WordPress users with different roles.

“Guest speakers are such a treat for the community!”

Go to Divi Phoenix

Divi Sacramento, California, USA

screenshot of several people attending the Divi Sacramento virtual meetup

Divi Sacramento April 2023

screenshot of several people attending the Divi Sacramento virtual meetup

Divi Sacramento April 2023

From the Hosts, Rosalinda Huck & Elizabeth Hahn:

Attendees: 19

In April we sprung around the topics of Creativity and Easter Eggs in design. The highlight was our Divi Deep Dive with guest speaker, Scott McAllister, who gave a presentation on the basics of CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid. For our Divi Mix meeting, members discussed best practices for using “easter eggs” on a site, such as animations, and pop-ups. There was definitely a lot of learning going on, with great information presented and an assortment of questions from many of our members!

Oh em gee, that’s amazing! I love the Easter correlation!

Go to Divi Sacramento

Divi Toronto, Ontario, Canada

screenshot of several people attending the Divi Toronto virtual meetup

Divi Toronto April 2023

From the Host, Suzi Hernandez:

Attendees: 8

In April we discussed the #1 Divi Resource… the Elegant Themes Blog. Our guest speaker, Christina Gwira is a Blog Author with Elegant Themes and she explained the types of content that can be found within the blog, such as tutorials, free layout packs, “best of” articles, and more. She also touched on the Elegant Themes marketplace. We also shared a number of Facebook groups where Divi users can go for further Divi support. Thank you, Christina!

Yay, Christina! Love it, Divi Toronto! ♥️

Go to Divi Toronto

Want to Host Your Own Local Divi Network Meetup?

Great! We’re always on the lookout for people around the world who are passionate about Divi and building community and want to spread that enthusiasm to their local community. We take care of the monthly Meetup fees, and we provide all our hosts with tons of resources to help plan and promote their events, including help with finding a venue and coming up with topic ideas.

Starting a new Divi Meetup group is simple. Just apply by filling out this form or email eventcoordinator@elegantthemes.com. Once the form is complete, we will work together to get your group launched and linked to our Meetup Network. Easy as that!

Not sure if there’s already a Divi Meetup Group in your area? Just head to our Meetup Network page to see a map of our current locations.

Global Divi Meetup Network

The post Divi Meetup Community Update: April 2023 appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.
