
Daily WordPress News

Divi Community Update: Q1 2024

Happy Spring, DiviFam!

It’s been a while since I updated our Divi community with meetup happenings, so get ready to be turbo-updated. From Mega Meetups to your friendly Divi DFW regularly scheduled virtual meetups, a lot has happened. Our Divi community is buzzing with excitement and creativity.

In this post, I’ll be sharing some highlights from recent meetups, along with upcoming Divi events with your fellow Divi enthusiasts. So, let’s dive in and discover the vibrant world of Divi meetups together!

Check out our current stats and community updates below.

The Divi Community Meetup Network by the Numbers

  • Total Members: 13,074
  • Total Groups: 37
  • Total Events Hosted: 2,081
  • Total RSVPs: 14,752
  • New Members (Last 90 Days): 565
  • New Groups: 1

If you have a passion to build your local Divi community, locate a group near you here or use the button below to apply to become a local organizer.


Let’s Welcome Our Newest Meetup Host & Group!

Please give a warm welcome to our newest group and host! Divi Roma is here!

Divi Roma, Italy

headshot of Eleonora Anzini

Eleonora of Divi Roma/Italia

Meet the host, Eleonora Anzini:

I am a freelance brand and graphic+web designer (20+ years), a long-time WordPress contributor, a WordCamps (Europe and local) Organizer (team design), and a WP Meetup Organizer in my hometown, Terni.
I started to make websites with Divi from its beginning, and I immediately loved it!

I already am a WordPress Meetup Organizer, and – as I have been a great Divi fan since the early stage – I was interested in organising an Italian Divi Meetup.

You’ve been an amazing organizer thus far, Eleanora!

Go to Divi Roma/Italia

Updates from Existing Groups

Like I said, we’ve got a ton of community updates, so let’s get right to it!

Read our Divi Meetup Community updates below. ⬇️

Divi Chicago, Illinois, USA

From the Host, Joan Margau:

October 2023

Divi Chicago October 2023

Attendees: 34

Dirk Tolken, organizer of Divi Cape Town and Co-founder of Semantica Agency in Cape Town, South Africa, took us inside the Chat GPT AI tool. He demonstrated how you can shape the question specific to SEO for a particular website location.
Dirk also demonstrated how Divi’s built-in AI creates an image based on the description in real-time. The key to using the AI tools is knowing how to set the parameters for the AI. This requires a thought strategy before you get to asking the AI.
Back by popular demand, Dirk will give another presentation sometime next year. Be sure to check Meetup for the date. You don’t want to miss this one!

November 2023

Divi Black Friday Bonanza 2023

Divi Black Friday Bonanza November 2023

Attendees: 15

The 4th Annual Divi Black Friday Bonanza Meetup was a celebration and an education. We got an inside view on how the developers make plugins and learned how they are working with their products to accommodate the much anticipated Divi 5.0.

The event was hosted by Elegant Themes and featured a panel of Divi plugin developers, including Tim Strifler – Divi Life, Nelson Miller – PeeAye Creative, Peter Wilkinson – Divi Engine, Cory Jenkins – WP Zone, Ania Romanska – Divi Lover, and Marshall Shoeb – Divi Extended. The panelists discussed their process for developing plugins, the challenges they face, and their plans for Divi 5.0.

One of the most interesting things we learned was how the developers work together to create a cohesive ecosystem of plugins. They share ideas and code, and they work to ensure that their plugins are compatible with each other. This collaboration has resulted in a wide range of high-quality plugins that make it easy to extend the Divi Theme.

We also learned about the challenges of developing for Divi. One of the biggest challenges is keeping up with the ever-changing nature of the Theme. Divi is constantly being updated with new features, and plugin developers have to be quick to adapt. Another challenge is ensuring that their plugins are compatible with all of the different versions of WordPress that are out there.

Despite the challenges, the panelists were all passionate about developing for Divi. They love the flexibility of the Theme and the ability to create custom solutions for their customers. They are also excited about the upcoming release of Divi 5.0, which they believe will make it even easier to develop plugins.

We were lucky to have the opportunity to hear from these talented developers and learn about their work. If you are a Divi user, we encourage you to check out their plugins. They are a great way to extend the power of the Theme and create custom websites that meet your specific needs.

December 2023

Attendees: 4

We reviewed the year and all the Divi changes coming. We’re prepared. The roundtable discussions are full of information and we learn something new every discussion.
We also planned out the year 2024. Coming up in 2024 are special meetups of the “Ask Me Anything” series where you can get your questions answered.

January 2024

Divi Chicago January 2024

Attendees: 4

We started off 2024 with an earnest discussion about everything to do with Divi and AI. What it does and what it doesn’t do. Our next meetup features Vikki from Divi-Chicago who will show us how AI can be used to increase your Divi Business.

February 2024

Divi Chicago February 2024

Attendees: 13

Chat GPT is a natural language processing model developed by OpenAI. It has changed the way we work but it still takes a human to ask the questions. All of us Divi users had fun exploring with Vikki how Chat GPT creates the content and the layout of a website that you can later use with Divi.

Due to popular demand, Vikki will be giving another demonstration on how she uses Chat GPT and delivers websites to satisfied clients.

March 2024

Divi Chicago March 2024

Attendees: 27

Foster Coburn III gave us an inside view of the basics of the excellent Plugin, The Divi Machine developed by Divi Engine. This plugin creates dynamic content with Divi in conjunction with the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin (ACF). With the help of these plugins, you can filter and search on a website to suit the content and design and add custom post types to improve the site and the workflow.

Love what you’re doing with Divi Chicago, Joan!

Go to Divi Chicago

Divi Delhi NCR, India

From the Host, Mayank Kumar:

February 2024

Divi Delhi NCR February 2024

Attendees: 4

We organised an online webinar with the founder of InstaWP!

Divi Delhi NCR, love seeing another meetup!

Go to Divi Delhi NCR

Divi New York City, USA

From the Hosts; Mickey, Patty, & Seema:

October 2023

Divi New York City October 2023

Divi New York City October 2023

Attendees: 13

At our October meetup, our topic was ‘Creating a Non-Profit Website with Divi.’

Our speaker was Rosalinda Huck, a former Divi Sacramento Meetup organizer.

During her talk, Rosalinda discussed the various types of non-profit organizations, what sets non-profit websites apart, and how to navigate the challenges posed by differing budgets and decision-makers. She shared a non-profit site that she worked on and showcased the effective use of the Theme Builder for creating templates.

The presentation was very informative, and some attendees shared their own non-profit experiences and tips

January 2024

Divi New York City January 2024

Attendees: 8

Divi NYC had our first in-person meeting in over three years. Our meet and greet meeting was held at the Ana Foods foodcourt in Hudson Yards, Manhattan, and was attended by 8 local Divi diehards. We exchanged information about our Divi businesses and projects, in addition, tips for finding resources to help our website development practices. We also discussed possible venues for future in-person events.

February 2024

Divi New York City February 2024

Attendees: 30

Our February 21st virtual meetup consisted of a presentation titled “Creating Headers, Footers, and Menus with Divi Theme Builder.” This topic was presented by Cammy Farone, a co-organizer of the Divi Atlanta meetup.

The presentation included information such as:
* Getting a step-by-step walk-through of the Divi Theme Builder.
* Learning how to create a mobile-friendly global header and footer and add a menu to both.
* Seeing how to make your header work on Post pages.
* Getting info on logo best practices.

This informative topic and fantastic presenter garnered a record-breaking Divi NYC attendance of 30! Cammy’s presentation generated a lot of back-and-forth discussion and tips from Cammy and attendees on websites and online learning opportunities. The meetup was very well received with Cammy receiving much thanks and many compliments on her presentation.

Awesome, Divi NYC!!

Go to Divi NYC

Divi Phoenix, Arizona, USA

From the Host, Dennis Dinsmore:

November 2023

Divi Phoenix November 2023

Attendees: 5

At our November meetup, Josiah Hostetter was our guest speaker! His topic was How to use Divi’s new “Free-Form CSS” field to customize your site further with code or AI and he schooled us on how and where to implement CSS in the Divi theme builder. We gained valuable insights on customizing our website’s design and layout.

Our Divi PHX group never skips a beat! We love it!

Go to Divi Phoenix

Divi Roma, Italia

From the new Host, Eleonora Anzini:

December 2023

Divi Roma December 2023

Attendees: 4

Our FIRST meetup, and more: in person! Just a chance to meet, introduce each other, say Merry Christmas and have a drink

January 2024

Divi Roma January 2024

Attendees: 14

It was our second meetup and our first Divi Meetup Italia online!

We love your enthusiasm, Eleonora!

Go to Divi Roma, Italia

Divi Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

From the Host, Dustin Olsen:

October 2023

Divi Salt Lake City October 2023

Attendees: 6

Divi Salt Lake City held a virtual meetup to discuss the basics of Divi A.I. and everyone was engaged with the topic and loved it! The event was a huge success as attendees were able to learn about the amazing features of Divi A.I. in a fun and interactive way. Overall, it was a great opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals.

January 2024

Divi Salt Lake City January 2024

Attendees: 5

In January, we talked about how to go about choosing the best Divi Layout for your project and the pros and cons of different approaches. Then, the conversation transitioned to using AI as another tool for accelerating the website build process even more.

I appreciate your dedication to Div Salt Lake City, Dustin!

Go to Divi Salt Lake City

Want to Host Your Own Local Divi Network Meetup?

Great! We’re always on the lookout for people around the world who are passionate about Divi and building community and want to spread that enthusiasm to their local community. We take care of the monthly Meetup fees, and we provide all our hosts with tons of resources to help plan and promote their events, including help with finding a venue and coming up with topic ideas.

Starting a new Divi Meetup group is simple. Just apply by filling out this form or email eventcoordinator@elegantthemes.com. Once the form is complete, we will work together to get your group launched and linked to our Meetup Network. Easy as that!

Not sure if there’s already a Divi Meetup Group in your area? Just head to our Meetup Network page to see a map of our current locations.

Global Divi Meetup Network

The post Divi Community Update: Q1 2024 appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.
