
Daily WordPress News

#112 – Miriam Schwab on Balancing WordPress Success and Family Life

On the podcast today we have Miriam Schwab. Miriam co-founded Strattic to enable WordPress websites to be more secure and performant. After Elementor acquired Strattic, Miriam continued leading the unit before becoming Head of WordPress Relations. With over 15 years of experience, she’s a respected member of the WordPress community and a renowned speaker. In today’s episode we discuss Miriam’s life. It’s a departure for this podcast which usually focuses upon the code, the plugins and the community. The idea came out of a talk which Miriam presented at WordCamp Asia this year. In this talk Miriam outlined how she carved out a successful career in the world of WordPress whilst also being the mother of seven children, and it’s fascinating. If you’re interested in hearing how one person has managed the stresses and strains of an incredibly busy life, this episode is for you.
