
Daily WordPress News

Divi 5 Progress Update: Kicking Off The New Year

I’m back with another Divi 5 progress update. Last month, I gave an initial look at the new Divi 5 interface, so if you missed that, you’ll want to go back and check it out. The new Divi 5 interface focuses on speed and efficiency, two core values of this foundational update. It’s faster, leaner, and more customizable than ever before

Today’s update will be a bit less action-packed. The team took time off towards the end of last month for the holidays. This is also the time of year when we devote resources towards reflecting on the previous year, charting our goals, reviewing performance, and other good stuff that keeps us on the right track.

After a bit of housekeeping and a short break, we are back in action, starting 2024 refreshed and ready to kick it into high gear.

What We Accomplished This Month

We still got a lot done since my last update, continuing our steady march toward the Divi 5 Public Alpha. We officially deprecated the original Divi 4 interface, audited and updated various dependencies to make sure that Divi 5 is on the latest tech stack, and finished converting all the Divi modules slated for the Public Alpha release.

We are now finishing up the remaining features that we have deemed critical for the Alpha phase, such as Global Colors, Presets, Dynamic Assets, Auto Saves, Browser Backups, and a few of others.

There’s still much to do, but after working on Divi 5 for three years, being close enough to see the light at the end of the tunnel is exciting.

Here are the latest Divi 5 changelog entries.

  • Added Contact Form module for Divi 5.
  • Added Comments module for Divi 5.
  • Completed Divi 5 interface transition.
  • Removed deprecated Divi 4 design styles.
  • Removed deprecated Divi 4 design scripts and packages.
  • Removed deprecated proxy types.
  • Fixed Divi 5 design interaction mode bugs.
  • Updated Divi 5 build process stack.
  • Enabled Transition Style on advancedStyles for style component.
  • Added `advancedStyles` support to existing style components: Common style, Background style, CSS style, Dividers style, Text style, Border style, BoxShadow style, DisabledOn style, Filters style, Font style, FontBody style, FontHeader style, Icon style, Overflow style, Position style, Sizing style, Spacing style, TextShadow style, Transform style, and ZIndex style.
  • Added Layers View’s renaming module’s admin label ability for Divi 5.
  • Added the ability to navigate to the Layers View modal with the `CMD+L` or `CTRL+L` shortcut.
  • Fixed Blurb module image alignment not working when the image width is less than 100%.
  • Fixed text overflow issue when border-radius is used in the Blurb module.
  • Fixed inability to reset option value or open field description because the color’s tooltips overlap reset and help buttons when not showing.

The Divi AI Image Editor

In other news, we recently released the Divi AI Image Editor, allowing you to edit images with the power of AI right inside the builder. You can modify elements, add objects, expand and fill the canvas, enhance your images, and more. It’s one of several Divi AI updates we have planned for this year, along with a few other surprises that we hope you will find helpful while you wait for Divi 5 to be released.

Stay Tuned For More Updates

Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to follow us by email and subscribe to our YouTube channel to ensure you don’t miss a thing. I’ll be back next month with another Divi 5 progress update!

The post Divi 5 Progress Update: Kicking Off The New Year appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.
