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Spend $7.50 Today And Get $553 In Value? Here’s How!

The Divi Black Friday Sale is going on right now! Get huge savings on Divi, Divi Marketplace bundles and products, Divi Cloud, Divi Teams, Divi VIP, and Divi AI. Plus, all Lifetime members and anyone participating in the sale will receive exclusive Divi website packs and hidden discounts in the Divi Marketplace. And then there’s the prizes. We’re giving away more than 12,000 prizes! You also get a free product from the Divi Marketplace with every qualifying purchase.

With just three days left in our Black Friday sale, this post highlights the amazing value you get when purchasing Divi Cloud and Divi Teams.


Spend $7.50 And Get $553 In Value? Here’s How

First, let’s talk about Divi Cloud and Divi Teams. If you aren’t familiar with these services yet, look at the video above that outlines just how useful they can be for Divi freelancers and agencies, or keep reading below to learn more. Long story short, Divi Cloud is like Dropbox for your Divi websites, and Divi Teams is the foundation that lets you collaborate in the cloud!

Now, let’s break down how excellent this deal is. You can get 44% off your yearly and 25% off your monthly subscriptions. That means you can purchase Divi Cloud right now for $6 and a Divi Team seat for only $1.50! Over 1 year, you will rack up $30 in savings.

Your team members get Divi and unlimited Divi Cloud storage for free. The great thing about Divi Teams is that each team member inherits access to your Divi Services. What would typically cost $185 to purchase a Divi membership and a Divi Cloud membership is included at no additional cost.

You get two free prizes worth up to $169 each. That’s right, we are giving away over 8,000 products from the Divi Marketplace for free! You will get a free product with your Divi Cloud purchase and another with your Divi Teams purchase. That’s up to $338 more value, depending on which free prizes you claim.

Let’s add that all up. Today, you spend $7.50 to get Divi Cloud and Divi Teams. You save $30 in your first year, your team members get $185 in Divi services for free, and you get 2 additional products from the Divi Marketplace worth up to $338! That’s $553 in value for spending only $7.50! And that doesn’t even count the value you’ll get from Divi Cloud to optimize your workflow and collaborate with your new team member in the cloud.

Now that we’ve gone over all the perks of our Black Friday sale let’s talk about what makes Divi Cloud such an excellent service for web design teams.

Unlock the Divi Library’s Full Potential with Divi Cloud

Divi Cloud is like Dropbox, One Drive, or iCloud–but for Divi websites. Divi Cloud is a cloud-based storage system perfect for anyone building multiple websites with Divi. Saving items to Divi Cloud allows you to access them from any Divi install where you’re logged in. There’s no need to move JSON files from one site to the next or export your entire library ever again. You can save items to your cloud with one click, and all those assets are instantly available wherever you use Divi. But that’s just scratching the surface. Here’s a brief overview of Divi Cloud’s game-changing features and functionality.

Save Your Favorite Assets to the Cloud

Divi Cloud makes it easy to quickly save modules, rows, sections, pages, or even code snippets to the cloud and access those assets anywhere you use Divi. You can save your content directly from the Visual Builder, sync items from your local Divi library, and bulk upload as many layouts as you want–directly into Divi Cloud. You can even save your Divi Marketplace layout purchases! Making it easy to carry the best resources from the Divi Community from project to project with you.

Full Layouts

With Divi Cloud, you can access complete layouts wherever and whenever needed. Save time and effort by saving your complete layouts in Divi Cloud, whether a landing page, home page, or blog page. This is great for freelancers and agency professionals who want to sell their layouts on the Divi Marketplace or have their favorite go-to layouts for their site builds. Layouts are accessible anywhere with just one click.

Headers, Footers, & Sections

In addition to complete layouts, it’s possible to save sections, including headers and footers built with Divi’s Theme Builder. Saving and loading sections to your Divi Cloud works like complete layouts; simply save your header or footer to Divi Cloud. It will become available instantly for use on any website you build with Divi.

Modules & Content Blocks

Anyone who has ever built a multi-page website that requires a call-to-action content block or an opt-in section knows that rebuilding those content blocks on every page can be tedious–let alone individual modules like buttons. Thanks to Divi Cloud, you can avoid that painful process and jumpstart your next website build. Simply save them to Divi Cloud, and your content will be saved instantly. Those layouts can be imported in one click, saving time and effort.

Theme Builder Templates

Theme Builder Templates and Theme Builder Sets (bundles of templates) can be saved to Divi Cloud and imported on any Divi site you work on. This benefits freelancers and agencies with go-to templates they want to use repeatedly on client sites, saving them time and money.

Code Snippets

Code Snippets combined with Divi Cloud gives you a new way to save and manage your most used code snippets. With seamless integration, snippets can be saved and loaded effortlessly with the click of a button. HTML, Javascript, CSS, and collections of CSS rules can easily be saved and imported with Divi Cloud. This includes code modules and Divi Theme Options, Divi Builder Page Settings, Text Modules, and CSS options within any Divi module across your sites.

Access Divi Cloud from Anywhere

Nothing kills the creative flow quite like hunting for assets across your email, computer, past projects, or other online storage solutions instead of, you know, building your website. Divi Cloud solves this problem by making it crazy easy to save modules, rows, sections, page layouts, theme templates, and even code snippets to the cloud. These assets are then easily accessible from within the Visual Builder on any Divi website where you’re logged in! You’ll be able to create blazing-fast and collaborative workflows with everything you need right at your fingertips.

Organize Your Library for Maximum Efficiency

Every layout you save to Divi Cloud can be managed inside the Visual Builder. Save, edit, delete, restore from the trash, rename, copy, or preview; you can do it all without leaving the Divi Builder. The bigger your Divi Cloud collections get, the more important organization becomes. Take advantage of the ability to create folders, categories, tags, and favorites to keep everything tidy and ready to use immediately.

Browse Your Assets Visually

One of the best features of Divi Cloud is the automatic screen capture. When you save your layouts to Divi Cloud, Divi will generate thumbnails and full-size screenshots. This makes it easier to locate your layouts when you want to import them into other Divi builds. This great feature goes beyond a basic filename or title, so you can visually locate the layout you’re looking for.

Never Run Out of Storage

Divi Cloud gives you unlimited storage for one low fee. You can save as many modules, sections, layouts, content blocks, theme builder templates, and code snippets as you want and access them from any website, anytime. Plus, you’ll never have to worry about updates because you’ll receive them free of charge for as long as you are subscribed.

Build Websites Faster & More Collaboratively with Divi Cloud!

Divi Cloud shines when combined with Divi Teams. Once you become a Divi Cloud subscriber, you can share your content, layouts, code snippets, and theme builder templates with every member of your Divi Team–including clients. You are making collaboration on Divi websites more seamless than ever before.

Divi Cloud and Divi Teams: Perfect Companions

Divi Teams

As previously explained, Divi Cloud is the perfect solution for utilizing your favorite layouts in one place. But did you know Divi Teams subscribers can share Divi Cloud assets seamlessly? You can, and it provides a huge benefit to agencies and marketing companies that have multiple web developers who collaborate on projects. With Divi Teams, users can invite team members to their Elegant Themes account and control the permissions granted to each member.

The combination of Divi Cloud and Divi Teams allows team members to share Cloud library items with each other, encouraging collaboration and improving workflow. With Divi Cloud, team members can store and organize assets in the context of building a website, eliminating the need to manually export, share, and import JSONs for each new project. Meanwhile, Divi Teams ensures that team members have their own accounts with controlled access to services, including Divi Cloud.

Those looking to improve team collaboration, increase productivity, and streamline the website creation process can do so by taking advantage of this fantastic Black Friday deal for only $7.50!


Key Features of Divi Teams

The combination of Divi Cloud and Divi Teams makes for a powerful duo, but on its own, Divi Teams has quite a lot to offer. Aside from sharing Divi Cloud library items amongst team members, Teams subscribers can quickly level up their collaboration and workflow management. Team members can collaborate effectively across the Divi ecosystem to delegate tasks and manage project progress. You can even grant clients access to our highly-rated support system.

Divi Teams support

Teams account owners can also grant controlled access and permissions to users, effectively managing what team members can and can not do. After all, developers likely don’t need access to billing, whereas the accounting department won’t need access to code snippets. Another cool feature of Divi Teams is easy API key management. Every team member can create and manage API keys as they build websites for your clients, allowing you to keep keys labeled and organized.

Divi Teams collaboration

The best time to take advantage of Divi Teams is right now. With incredible Black Friday pricing of just $1.50 per month per seat, you can access this powerful tool for streamlining team collaboration, enhancing communication, and improving your workflow for all your Divi projects.


The Future Looks Bright for Divi Cloud Users

Divi Cloud is already a fantastic service, but we have much more planned for the future. Divi Cloud Libraries will allow folks to use a new high-level organizational taxonomy called “libraries.” Asset groupings will allow you to use categories, tags, and favorites. We’re also looking to add more asset types, such as Theme Customizer Settings, Divi Builder Presets, and Divi Theme Options. We’ll also open up Divi Cloud to 3rd party integrations and the ability to save entire websites to the cloud!

Get Divi Cloud Today for 44% Off and Win a Free Prize!

Divi Cloud benefits Divi Agencies, Freelancers, or anyone building multiple Divi websites. Saving items to your Divi Cloud in the Divi Library allows you to access your saved elements from any Divi website anytime, as long as you’re signed in. By simply using Divi Cloud, you’ll save so much time and effort that you’ll recoup the cost of Divi Cloud instantly! Plus, anyone who purchases Divi Cloud during our Black Friday sale will also win a free prize from the Divi Marketplace. Just check to see which prize is active when purchasing your Divi Cloud and enjoy the savings!


The post Spend $7.50 Today And Get $553 In Value? Here’s How! appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.
