
Daily WordPress News

#88 – Jo Minney on the State of the WordPress Community in Australia

On the podcast today we have Jo Minney. Jo is the founder of a small business that specialises in building websites for organisations, mainly nonprofits and the tech industry. In this episode, Jo shares her insights on the challenges of organising WordCamps and meetups in Australia, where the large size of the country and small population present some unique obstacles. If you’re used to a European or North American setting, it’s really interesting how the geography of the country presents challenges not seen elsewhere. We discuss the importance of paying speakers and covering their travel expenses to create equal opportunities for freelancers and small businesses, as well as to give the Australian community a stronger voice. We chat about the challenges faced by the Australian WordPress community, from limited resources and burnout, to the struggle of attracting new organisers and attendees. Jo shares some exciting success stories, such as organising WordPress events and hosting a successful do_action event. If you’re interested in hearing about how the WordPress community is doing in Australia, this episode is for you.
