
Daily WordPress News

#87 – Jonathan Wold on Guildenberg, What It Is and How It Aims to Help Product Owners

On the podcast today we have Jonathan Wold. Jonathan has been deeply involved in the WordPress community for almost two decades. He began writing tutorials and freelancing, which eventually led him to the agency world where he worked on large enterprise projects. In the past five to six years, Jonathan has shifted his focus to the broader WordPress ecosystem. Jonathan is one of the co-founders of Guildenberg, and in the podcast today we discuss what this project is, and how it aims to revolutionise the WordPress product ecosystem. We talk about how Guildenberg is trying to solve the problem which developers often face in the WordPress space, discoverability. The idea is to create a WordPress ‘app store’ as a building block to bootstrap the project to other, more community based, initiatives. If you’re a WordPress developer who is keen to find a way to create visibility for your product, this podcast is for you.
