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How to Style the Divi Call to Action Module (3 Examples!)

A call to action is an important part of digital marketing. Whether you are creating a landing page, blog post or mobile app, you can find calls to action everywhere online. As a native Divi module, the Call to Action Module makes it easy to add this important element to your work. Featuring a title, body text, and button, the module gives you ample styling options to make design choices that match your brand. We’ll provide you with Divi call to action style examples that are based on three of our free layout packs. Each layout pack comes with your Divi membership and we release new ones weekly! Let’s take a look at what we’ll recreate in this post:

Divi Call to Action Style Example: Inspired by Divi Whiskey

Divi Whiskey Inspired Call to Action Design

Call to Action Style Example #2: Inspired by Divi Bagel Shop

Divi Bagel Shop Inspired Call to Action Design

Style Example #3: Inspired by Divi Leather Goods

Divi Leader Goods Inspired Call to Action Design

Setting Up Your Call to Action Section

To begin, let’s create the foundation for our style examples.

Add Section

Add a new Regular Section to your page by clicking on the blue plus icon.

Add new section for your call to action

Select One Column Row

Once your section is added, select the one-column icon to add a row with one column to your section.

Add New Row and Column

Select Call to Action Module

Click on the Call to Action icon to add the module to your row.

Select the Call to Action Module

Now, we are ready to style our module!

The default Call to Action Module

Styling the Divi Call to Action Module: Divi Whiskey Inspired

Our first Divi call to action style example is inspired by our Divi Whiskey Layout Pack.

Add Background to Section

For our background, we will upload an image found within the layout pack as the base of our background design. Click on the Background Image icon. Then, click on the Add Background Image icon.

Add background photo

Upload the image to your site. We’ll use the default background image settings for the photo we updated.

Upload the background image to the section

Add Background Gradient

Next, we’ll add a background gradient on top of our background image. We’ll use the following settings:

Background Gradient Settings:

  • Gradient Stop 1: rgba(0,0,0,0) (at 12%)
  • Gradient Stop 2: #000000 (at 100%)
  • Gradient Type: Linear
  • Gradient Direction: 180deg
  • Place Gradient Above Background Image: Yes

Adding a background gradient on top of the background

Add Padding

Following setting up the background, click on the Design tab. Firstly, we will scroll down to the Spacing tab. Secondly, we’ll use 150px to add some generous padding to the section.

Spacing Settings:

  • Top Padding: 150px
  • Bottom Padding: 150px

Adding spacing to section

Click on the green check icon at the bottom of the Section Settings to save your settings for the section.

Styling the Call to Action Module

For the Call to Action Module, click on the gear icon to enter the module settings.

Edit setting for call to module

Add Content

To begin, enter the content that you’d like to show in the module. Click on the Content Tab, and add your title, button text, and body text for your Call to Action Module.

Add content to module

Input Link

For you to see your button in your module, you need to add a link to the Call to Action Module. Add your link URL.

Add button link URL

Style Call to Action Background

After we’ve added our content, we are now going to style the background of the module itself.

Add Background Color

To start, we scroll down to the Background tab. Next, we add our background color. Secondly, we will keep the Use Background Color option selected at Yes.

Background Settings:

  • Background Color: #e7e2bc
  • Use Background Color: Yes

Call to action background color

After, we are going to add a background pattern on top of the background color selected

Add Background Pattern

For our background pattern, we click on the Background Pattern icon. Then, we click on the Add Background Pattern icon.

Add background pattern

Next, we select the Scallops pattern from the background pattern options. We will keep the pattern color as the default.

Select Scallops Background Pattern

Afterward, we need to set our settings for our background pattern. We’ll use the following settings to make the background pattern aesthetically pleasing:

Background Pattern Settings:

  • Pattern Size: Custom
  • Pattern Width: 25px
  • Pattern Repeat Origin: Top Left
  • Pattern Repeat: Repeat

Background pattern advanced settings

Title and Body Text Styling

With the background set, we now move on to the styling of the title text, body text, and button. To begin, we click on the Design tab. Then we will start with styling the Title Text with the following settings:

Title Text Settings:

  • Title Font: Italiana
  • Title Text Color: #a45137
  • Title Text Font Size:
    • Desktop: 72px
    • Tablet: 54px
    • Mobile: 48px

Styling the Title Text

Styling Body Text

For the body text, we’ll use the following settings to style the body text:

Body Text Settings:

  • Body Font: Marcellus
  • Body Text Color: #000000
  • Body Text Size:
    • Desktop: 21px
    • Tablet: 18px
    • Mobile: 18px
  • Body Line Height: 1.8em

Styling body text

Styling the Button

We’ll use Custom Styles for the button. For the button’s background, we’ll use the following settings:

Button Settings:

  • Button Text Size: 18px
  • Button Text Color: #ffffff
  • Button Background Color: #a45137

Button settings for the Call to Action Module

For the button font, we use the following settings:

Button Text Settings:

  • Button Letting Spacing: 1px
  • Button Font: Playfair Display
  • Button Font Weight: Bold
  • Button Font Style: Italic
  • Button Padding:
    • Top and Bottom Padding: 15px
    • Left and Right Padding: 25px

Changing Module Width

For this Divi call to action style example, we don’t want the module to be fullwidth. As such, we will change the max width of the module. To do this, scroll down to the Sizing tab in the Design tab of the module. Next, set the Max Width to 75%.

Max width setting

Notice that the module has skewed to the left. To fix this, we change the Module Alignment to center by clicking on the center icon.

Call to action module alignment

Adding Custom CSS

To wrap up this design, we’re going to add a few lines of custom CSS. Click on the Advanced tab. We’ll add CSS to the Promo Description and the Promo Title:

Promo Description Custom CSS:

padding-left: 55px;
padding-right: 55px;

Custom CSS for promo description

We will change the padding for tablet and mobile.

Promo Description Custom CSS (Tablet and Mobile):  

padding-left: 0px;
padding-right: 0px;

Promo description mobile custom CSS and save changes

To save your changes, click on the green checkmark. Here’s our final work!

Divi Whiskey Inspired Call to Action Design


Divi Call to Action Style Example ft. Divi Bagel Shop

For this design, we’ll take inspiration from our Divi Bagel Shop Layout Pack.

Add Two Column Row

In this call to action, we’ll add a two-column row, as opposed to one column. As before, we click on the green plus icon button to add a new row to our newly created section. Next, we will select the following two column (1/3 + 2/3) layout for our design.

Add 1/3 + 2/3 two column layout

Add Background Gradient to Section

After adding our row, we will add a gradient to the newly created section. First, we will click on the blue gear icon to enter the settings for the section.

Enter section settings

Next, scroll down to the Background tab and click on the Gradient icon to begin to start entering in the settings for our gradient:

Background Gradient Settings:

  • Gradient Stop 1: rgba(218,170,32,0.2) (at 0%)
  • Gradient Stop 2: (rgba(0,0,0,0) (at 40%)
  • Gradient Type: Circular
  • Gradient Position: Top Left

Setting gradient styling for section

Once you’ve entered your gradient settings, save your work by clicking on the green checkmark.

Add Image

Before we move on to styling the call-to-action module, we’re going to add some decoration to the row. To do this, we’re going to click on the gray plus icon to add the Image Module.

Add image to first column

Next, we click on the Image Module to add it to the first column of the row.

Add image module

As this design is inspired by the Divi Bagel Shop Layout Pack, we’ll use an edited image from the pack in the first column. We will upload the image into our Image Module.

Upload image to Image Module

Add Call to Action Module

Now, let’s add our Call to Action Module. Click on the gray plus icon and select the Call to Action icon to add the module to the second column within the row.

Add Call to Action Module to the second column

Add Content

To begin, let’s add some content to the title, button, and body text.

Add content to Call to Action Module

Add Link to Button Link URL

To show the button within the module, we need to add a URL to the Button Link URL. Scroll down to the Link tab and add your link.

Add link to button

Disable Background Color

For this design, we’ll disable the background for the module. We want to see the gradient that’s within the section. To do this, we scroll down to the Background tab. Then, we uncheck the Use Background Color tab.

Disable background color for the module

Style the Call to Action Module

To begin styling our module, we move to the Design tab. Next, we scroll down to the Title Text tab and use the following settings to begin to style our title text:

Title Text Settings:

  • Title Font: Montaga
  • Title Text Alignment: Left
  • Title Text Color: #000000
  • Title Text Size:
    • Desktop: 72px
    • Tablet: 63px
    • Mobile: 48px

For the Body Text, scroll down a little further till you reach the Body Text tab. We’ll use most of the default font settings for the Body Text, however, we’ll darken the text by making it black using and left aligning it to match the Title Text:

Body Text Settings:

  • Body Font: Open Sans
  • Body Text Alignment: Left
  • Body Text Color: #000000

Body text styling settings

Styling the Call to Action Button

Following the design styling of our Divi Bagel Shop layout, we’re going to create a flat shadow effect with our button. To achieve this, we will have quite a few settings to set up for different aspects of the button.

Firstly, after scrolling to the Button tab, we check Custom Button Styles. We start styling our button by setting a background color and text color for our button.

Button Text & Background Settings:

  • Button Text Size: 14px
  • Button Text Color: #000000
  • Button Background Color: #c59246

Styling the Call to Action Module's button

After this, we start styling the border of our button and some of the text styling options.

Button Border and Text Settings:

  • Button Border Width: 2px
  • Button Border Color: #000000
  • Button Border Radius: 0px
  • Button Letter Spacing: 0.2em
  • Button Font: Open Sans
  • Button Font Weight: Bold
  • Button Font Style: All Caps
  • Button Alignment: Left

Styling the border and text of the module

For the button’s shadow, we will use the following settings.

Button Shadow Settings:

  • Button Padding:
    • Top and Bottom Padding: 15px
    • Left and Right Padding: 45px
  • Button Box Shadow: See screenshot
  • Box Shadow Horizontal Position: 3px
  • Box Shadow Vertical Position: 3px
  • Box Shadow Blur Strength: 0px
  • Shadow Color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
  • Box Shadow Position: Outer Shadow

Button padding, box and shadow styling

Adding Spacing to the Module

To finish off our second Divi call-to-action style example, we’re going to add some padding to the right of the module. For this, we first scroll down to the Spacing tab and activate the responsive mode for the padding. We want our padding to change based on the device a user will use to view our webpage.

Activate mobile responsive padding

For the padding, we’ll start with a large right padding on desktop, and shift to no padding on the right for mobile.

Padding Settings:

  • Padding (Right):
    • Desktop: 145px
    • Tablet: 75px
    • Mobile: 0px

Add right padding to module

With our padding in place, don’t forget to save your changes, by clicking on the green checkmark. Here’s our final Divi Bagel Shop-inspired call to action!

Divi Bagel Shop Inspired Call to Action Design

Divi Leather Goods Inspired Call to Action Module Style Example

Our third and final design is inspired by our Divi Leather Goods Layout Pack.

Styling the Section

Before we add our module, let’s style our section. We’ll use a background image and gradient for this section. First, we click on the background image icon and upload our Divi Leather Goods background image from our assets folder.

Setting up background image

With our image uploaded, we are now going to apply a gradient over it to give a slightly faded effect to the section. For this, we click on the background gradient icon, and use the following settings:

Background Gradient Settings:

  • Gradient Stop 1: rgba(28,13,1,0.48) (at 0%)
  • Gradient Stop 2: rgba(28,13,1,0.48)
  • Gradient Type: Linear
  • Gradient Direction: 110deg
  • Gradient Unit: Percent
  • Place Gradient Above Background Image: Yes

Background gradient settings

With our background now setup, we’ll add some padding to our section. To do this, we move to the Design tab of the section. Next, we scroll down to the Spacing tab. Then, we will enter a top and bottom padding of 10vw.

Adding padding to section

Once we have added our padding, we click the green checkmark to save our changes to our section.

Add Call to Action Module

After saving our section and its styling, we now move on to adding our Call to Action Module to our row. To do this, we click on the gray plus icon, and then we click the Call to Action Module icon. This will add the module to our one-column row.

Add Call to Action module to the column

Add Link to Button

For our button to show up, we need to add a link to the Button Link URL option of our module within the Link tab.

Add link to button

Style the Call to Action Module

Before we begin styling our module, we need to add our content.

Add Content

We add content to the Title, Button, and Body section of the Text tab.

Adding content to call to action module

Change Background

For this design, we want to use the background of the section that the module is within. So, we uncheck the Use Background Color option to make the background of the module itself transparent.

Uncheck Use Background Color

Set Text Color and Alignment

For this design, we will want our text to be Light and the text to be center aligned. After clicking on the Design tab, we now click on the Text tab to set our Text Color to Light and our Text Alignment to Center.

Set Text Color and Alignment

Style Title Text

After setting our text color and alignment, we scroll to the Title Text tab for us to begin styling the heading text of our call to action.

Title Text Settings:

  • Title Font: Alike
  • Title Text Size:
    • Desktop: 72px
    • Tablet: 63px
    • Mobile: 54px
  • Title Line Height: 1.2em

Title Font Settings and Stylings

Styling the Body Text

For the Body Text, we will keep the default settings the same. We’ll use Open Sans, the default font of Divi.

Body text font family selection

Setting Up Button Styling

For the button, we’ll use the following styles:

Button Styling:

  • Use Custom Styles for Button: Yes
  • Button Text Size: 14px
  • Button Text Color: #000000
  • Button Background: #d9b882

Begin styling button

We continue to style our button with the following settings:

Button Border and Font Settings:

  • Button Border Width: 0px
  • Button Border Radius: 0px
  • Button Font: Inter
  • Button Font Weight: Bold
  • Button Font Style: All Caps

Button font and border styling

Adding Sizing

To make our module more visually appealing, we’re going to add a bit of padding to the left and right of our module. For this, we scroll down to the Spacing tab and set a Max Width of 60% (for desktop), with a Module Alignment of Center.

Sizing Settings:

  • Max Width:
    • Desktop: 60%
    • Tablet: 75%
    • Mobile: 100%
  • Module Alignment: Center

Call to action sizing

With our changes complete, we now click on the green check mark to save our beautiful work!

Divi Leader Goods Inspired Call to Action Design

In Conclusion

By using our layout packs as a design reference, we can see that there are endless ways to style the Call to Action Module available natively in Divi. Use these examples as brain food to inspire you in your next marketing design project that needs a strong call to action!

The post How to Style the Divi Call to Action Module (3 Examples!) appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.
