
Daily WordPress News

Divi Meetup Community Update: Q1 2023

Hello, Divi Fam, and welcome to another Divi Community update!

As we end the first quarter of 2023, the Divi theme continues to innovate and evolve. We’re working tirelessly on Divi 5.0, which is set to be a game-changer for the WordPress theme market. This major release promises to deliver new and innovative features, improved performance, and a more intuitive user interface. With a focus on empowering web designers and developers to create exceptional websites, Divi 5.0 is shaping up to be one of the most exciting updates to the theme yet. Now’s the time to get involved with your local Divi MeetupPro group or start your own!

Check out our current stats and community updates below.

The Divi Nation Meetup Network by the Numbers

  • Total Members: 11,313
  • Total Groups: 38
  • Total Events Hosted: 1,785
  • Total RSVPs: 13,072
  • New Members (Last 90 Days): 570

If you are passionate about building your local Divi community, locate a group near you here or use the button below to apply to become a local organizer.


Let’s Welcome Our Newest Meetup Host!

Please give a warm welcome to our new host! We just onboarded a new Divi host for Divi Toronto, and we’re thrilled to introduce you to her!

Divi Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Suzie Hernandez – Divi Toronto

Meet the host, Suzie Hernandez:

As the Owner & Lead Designer of Q7 Creative, Suzie specializes in WordPress Web Design, Hosting & Maintenance. She began using Divi in 2018 and never looked back. Her primary focus is not only to build her clients a better website with WordPress + Divi but to provide them with ongoing support through personal client relationships to grow their website alongside their business.

I feel that hosting meetups with other web designers and community members who use Divi will only increase my Divi knowledge and make me a better web designer. I also want to share my knowledge and help people realize, that no matter how far along they are in their Divi journey, they all have something of value to share. It’s not just the seasoned professionals who get to share, but even new members have a lot of experiences they bring to the table. I’d like to hear from everyone.

We’re so grateful to have you on board, Suzie!

Go to Divi Toronto

Updates from Existing Groups

This is my favorite part. I enjoy sharing all about what our individual groups are doing in their respective parts of the world. We’re all different, and getting to learn about other cultures and groups is such a joy. See for yourself below.

Divi Cape Town in South Africa

Divi Cape Town January 2023

From the Host, Dirk Tolken:

Attendees: January – 10

We did a session about AI Tools and it was very well received. We had great engagement and some were left in awe of the capabilities of tools now available to us (some for free).

Yes, Divi Cape Town!

Go to Divi Cape Town

Divi Chicago, Illinois, USA

Divi Chicago February 2023

Divi Chicago March 2023

From the Hosts, Joan Margau & Scott Winterroth:

Attendees: February-7 & March-11

February 2023
Our very own Divi-Chicago member, Nancy Mikyska, gave us an in-depth presentation of the layout she created, the Responsive Comparison Chart for Divi. Nancy is the Founder of Cymatics Web Development. She showed us how the Comparison Chart works and how versatile it is. The layout is easy to use and all the CSS coding is built in. You can style the chart easily. Clients are very pleased with the way they can put comparison information into the chart with information and graphics. And, it looks great on desktop, laptop, tablet, and phone. Perfect responsive. Congrats to Nancy for developing such a much-needed addition to a website.

March 2023
The Divi ‘experts’ a/k/a those who use Divi, shared and exchanged their knowledge. There’s always a way to resolve a problem with WordPress and Divi because they work together so well. Divi has all the built-in features you just have to know how to use them. Ask us and we’ll show you how.

Join Divi Chicago give them your input.

Go to Divi Chicago

Divi Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Divi Dallas February 2023

From the Host, Tommy Lee & Kent Pilkington:

Attendees: February-18

This month, Divi DFW’s topic was an introduction to Divi and WordPress. We held a roundtable discussion, driven by our members, where we covered burning questions from people of all skill levels. Additionally, we covered some of our best tips for beginners, including how to use the visual editor and theme builder.

Yee, Divi DFW!

Go to Divi Dallas/Fort Worth

Divi Los Angeles, California, USA

Divi Los Angeles

From the Host, Julius Lopez:

It has been a busy Winter quarter forcing me to focus on clients which took time away from being able to create Divi events.

But with the calendar page turning to [Q2], I have found some open windows of time to put together a fresh batch of Divi Los Angeles Meetups!

Keep an eye out on Meetup for [an] event to be held late in the month. It will be a Q&A answering all of your questions about launching a website. If you have been hesitant about getting your website launched, this is a Meetup you won’t want to miss, and more coming online soon!

Are you a resident of the Greater Los Angeles Area? Do you love Divi? Would like to present, or become a co-host of Divi Los Angeles Meetup? Contact Julius via email at: julius@trivessa.com.

Go to Divi Los Angeles

Divi Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Divi PHX January 2023

Divi PHX March 2023

From the Host, Dennis Dinsmore:

Attendees: January-9, February-8, & March-7

Divi Phoenix is growing steadily in attendance! We’re one of the few meetups that meet over the lunch hour and it’s working for our community!

I love us.

Go to Divi Phoenix

Divi Sacramento, California, USA

Divi Sacramento January 2023 – 1st event

Divi Sacramento January 2023 – 2nd event

Divi Sacramento March 2023

From the Hosts, Rosalinda Huck & Elizabeth Hahn:

Attendees: January-28 & March-19

January 2023
Our theme for January was New Year, New Practices, and we kicked off 2023 with two fantastic meetings. In our Divi Mix Online Discussion, members talked about new Divi plugins and products that they’ve tried, website maintenance and security procedures, and Divi and design skills they want to learn or improve this year.
For our Divi Deep Dive, Nathan Hall from Anchor Media was our guest speaker. He presented his workflow and approach to building Divi sites, including using Storybrand principles and how to streamline the time and effort to create content for a client’s website.

March 2023
Our theme for March was “Spring Cleaning”, and for both of our meetings, we talked about ways to spruce up our Divi websites. We had discussions and demos on how to clean up various styles, plugins, and content, as well as implement new marketing practices based on analytics and client needs. We look forward to our next few meetings as we round out Spring with more guest speakers!

Join Divi Sacramento for some continued Divi learning opportunities! ♥️

Go to Divi Sacramento

Divi Satkhira, Bangladesh

Divi Satkhira February 2023

From the Host, Delower Hossain:

Attendees: February-12

We discussed ai, Divi builder, Divi Marketplace, etc. Attendees enjoyed it very much!

Thank you for serving your community, Delower!

Go to Divi Satkhira

Divi Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Divi Toronto March 2023

From the Host, Suzi Hernandez:

Attendees: March-10

Divi Toronto is excited to be back! Our first meetup of 2023 was all about Going Mobile with Divi. We discussed how to use Divi’s mobile customizer settings, how to adjust column stacking order on different devices, and numerous tips & css styles for working with mobile menus. We look forward to growing the Divi Toronto community as we discuss the many Divi Resources available at our next meetup in April.

Divi Toronto is back and at it!

Go to Divi Toronto

Want to Host Your Own Local Divi Network Meetup?

Great! We’re always on the lookout for people around the world who are passionate about Divi and building community and want to spread that enthusiasm to their local community. We take care of the monthly Meetup fees, and we provide all our hosts with tons of resources to help plan and promote their events, including help with finding a venue and coming up with topic ideas.

Starting a new Divi Meetup group is simple. Just apply by filling out this form or email eventcoordinator@elegantthemes.com. Once the form is complete, we will work together to get your group launched and linked to our Meetup Network. Easy as that!

Not sure if there’s already a Divi Meetup Group in your area? Just head to our Meetup Network page to see a map of our current locations.

Global Divi Meetup Network

The post Divi Meetup Community Update: Q1 2023 appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.
